the world begins
open, loving arms
to all who hope
I cherish those days
childish naivety
boundless wonder
and curiosity
I grow
you grow
We grow
into a harsher world
a new mindset
amongst peers
i find myself
pushed, influenced…
amongst peers
I find
friends, joy
I learn
to steel myself
from an unforgiving world
I learn
to recognize the world
for what it really is:
not a suppressor
an incubator
for dreams
a dream maker
for dream chasers
I look at
a younger version
of Me
and turn back to say
that it’s ok
We grow
and fall
We thrive
and break
We make mistakes
but we learn
the world isn’t really unforgiving
it’s just misunderstood
they think it’s an unfair world
they don’t understand
it’s what We do
it’s what We make it
We can make change
We are The Change.