
Macy Schafer, Journalist

Do not call me selfish
For wanting to not be selfless for once
I have given everything away
Every last piece of me
Every shard of my heart
I gave away my tomorrow
And my today
All to see you shine
While I stand by
Lifting you in the palms of my hands to the skies
All to see your golden face
Your honey warm smile
But there is space
Between you
And I
Between myself and I
But your love was draining
It was bitter and cold
It was the fragile glass around my heart
Bound to break with one touch
But I am myself
So call me selfish
Because maybe I am
Because I am my everything to me
And you are nothing
I am my today
And I will be my tomorrow
Not you
I will lift myself in my own palms
And you will watch my shining face
From below
My love is warm
Like honey
It is sweet and giving
And my smiling face will forever be brighter than yours
So yes
I am selfish
I am selfish for my love
I am selfish for loving myself
And for not loving you
I am selfish
And that is okay