You Forget 90% of Your Dreams – Half of your dream is forgotten within five minutes of waking, and 90% within ten minutes.
You Can Not Read in Dreams—Most people cannot read text or tell time in dreams because the part of the brain that deals with language is less active.
Your Brain Paralyzes You When You Dream – During REM sleep (when most dreams happen), your body is temporarily paralyzed so that you will not act out your dreams.
Blind People Still Dream – Those born blind do not experience images, but their dreams contain other senses like sound, smell, and touch.
Lucid Dreaming Exists – Some people can recognize they are dreaming and even control what happens in their dreams. You can train yourself to do it!
Strangers in Your Dreams Exist in Real Life – Your brain can’t invent faces, so any stranger you meet in a dream is somebody you have seen before—maybe a stranger in a crowd or a passing car.
Animals Dream Too – If you have ever seen a dog twitching or running in its sleep, it is likely dreaming! Studies show that many animals experience REM sleep, just as humans do.
Dreams Can Be in Black and White – Some people dream only in black and white, which was more common in older generations who grew up with black-and-white TV.
Falling Dreams Are Connected to Your Nervous System – That falling feeling in a dream occurs when your muscles relax too fast, and your brain mistakenly thinks you’re descending.