Remembrance of childhood
Or Christmas do you ever stop
Thinking about how
It was before we grew up
What you thought
Before you talked
Laughs at the dumb jokes
Giggles we can’t have because we have grown
Have you ever wondered
Why everything has now changed
We are still the same
Young or old
We are still people
Who laugh, who cry
Where desperate teens
Now are looking for anything
For friends and dates
Isn’t it crazy
We never used to care
Who were are friends
And who were boys?
Do you ever look back
Remember the sunny day
And remember the pretty perfect bike we had
But now is rusted
The bike that used
To be rode everyday
That went around and
Around the neighborhood everyday
Have you ever sat down
And thought of what happened
When we grew up
What changed?
It used to be so easy
So fun
You were always happy
The only worry
Is if it was too cold to play outside
Do you ever wonder why
So much has changed
In such little time
Now we have forgotten our
Pretty little bike
Now we are thinking
Cornell, Oswego, Geneso
What are we going to do?
Did you ever think
That we won’t be in our home
Everynight like we were when we were kids
We have grown
The growing of our brains
Thoughts, relationships and life
Is beautiful, we aren’t kids anymore
We are growing up
One year left, off we go
Our parents on the front porch waving goodbye
Now it is just me
Did you ever think
Being a kid
Would ever stop
We are grown up.