I stare at them lying to my left
Looking at their eyes zone out at the ceiling
I take in the features I had first seen in them the first time we had met
The way their bare, green eyes shine when the sun hits them just right
Their brown hair perfectly fallen past the shoulders
The way they speak
So shy
So calm
That perfect smile that drew me in the first time
I then hear their voice speak up to me
Except their voice isn’t as soft, calm, or quiet as before
Their hair now chopped to their chin, with pink streaks dyed into it
Their green eyes covered lightly in pink eyeshadow to compliment the highlights in their hair
As they speak, I continue looking at them
Not fully listening, but taking in the features that I’m now realizing are different…
Not different, just changed
They just evolved as a person being around me…
They found themselves
I don’t remember what they where full saying, I’m not quite listening
Just admiring how beautiful they where then and now
How common, scary, yet beautiful change is within a person
Something that never changed though, was that smile
They flashed it at me once more as they finished speaking
They look at me, whispering something to me before falling silent as I smile
The way love had changed them
The way my love had changed them
Into an extraordinary person
To be loved, is to be changed
To be loved, is to be changed
Madison Cramer, Feature Writer
February 12, 2025