Social media is the root of procrastination. If you’re the type of person who leaves things to the last minute and feels like you never have enough time, let’s talk! Your phone is taking your time, creativity, attention span, personality, passions, and the life you could’ve lived. I would like to mention that social media is not bad. However, us teenagers have abused it. We turned something that is revolutionary and meant to be a helpful tool, and we turned it into a huge problem. We are addicted to social media. Just ask yourself this question, do you constantly need to be on/have your phone with you?
Short form content is toxic. We doom scroll on tiktok, instagram reels, youtube shorts, etc. Our screen time has increased by hours. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love social media, and I use it like the next person. Personally, I noticed how much it has taken over my life. I’ve noticed how addicted I am to it, how anxious I feel when scrolling, how tired I feel after scrolling, and how much more I procrastinate when my phone is near me. These are just some examples of how social media, when abused, can control your life. The content we consume makes us do stupid things and heightens feelings that should’ve never been there in the first place.
How do I take my life back? Now, I will not tell you to quit social media. If you’re a teen, you can calm down because quitting social media is too big of an ask, and the FOMO would be enough to make you throw up. I would like to introduce a social media detox. Now, what is that? How do I do that? I’m taking a break from social media. Now, before you freak out, it’s not that long. You always want to start small and take baby steps when making a big change. This can look very different for each person. Not going on your phone for an hour a day or not going on your phone first thing in the morning are both ways to begin this process. I personally recommend using a reward system. For example, when you get home from school, don’t go on your phone right away. Instead, put it aside, take a shower, eat, DO YOUR HOMEWORK, or read a book. and then you can go on your phone. Why does this work? Well, when done consistently, it teaches your brain that you must get your work done before you go on your phone, creating a positive habit.
Social media gives you a dopamine rush, so you crave it more as you use it. It becomes a habit, and even an addiction for some. Remember to start by setting small goals. The goal is the end, and to get there, you must start small and trust the process and yourself.