My family celebrates Christmas, and, over the years, we’ve developed a few traditions. There are basic ones like decorating the house, getting a Christmas tree, and listening to Christmas music. We also go to church on Christmas Eve and have my grandma, great aunt, aunt, and uncle over for brunch on Christmas Day. My family has created a few of our own traditions as well. My sister and I had a tendency to wake up early on Christmas Day, so we created the tradition of both of us sleeping in my room and having our stockings hung on my dresser. We created this tradition so that we’d have something to occupy us for an hour or two while we waited for our parents to wake up. We, as many families do, film our Christmas morning. Each year the video starts with my sister and I at the top of the stairs. My mom (holding the camera) will say the year and then tell us to come downstairs. She films our reaction to seeing the tree with the gifts piled underneath. I love looking back on those videos and watching my sister and I grow up over the years. My family’s holiday traditions aren’t incredibly special or out of the ordinary, but they add to the magic of the season and I’m grateful for them all the same.
Alexandra Schleider, Feature Writer
December 11, 2024
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