Fact or Fiction
April 23, 2023
On March 30th, a Florida man tried to sneak his pet milk snakes, Albert, John, and Steven, onto a plane at the JFK International Airport. Around 10:00 am, Jeffery Rodriguez attempted to pass security with his three snakes, but he was stopped when a TSA agent saw something strange on the X-Ray machines. The alarm was sounded, and security was surprised to see three live snakes curled up in a metal cage, stuffed underneath some T-Shirts.
Reports say Rodriguez seemed disappointed once the snakes were found.
“Those snakes are like family. I want them to go everywhere with me,” he said in a statement after the snakes were extracted from his suitcase.“They’re my emotional support animals,” he added.
Rodriguez was not allowed on the plane, and he was escorted out the airport, snakes in tow.