
Here is a collection of my books. It consists of books for many different topics from many different languages, such as Chinese, English, and Spanish. Much like how I’ve learned and met people from a variety of backgrounds, these books represent many perspectives from people of all cultures.

Here is a collection of my books. It consists of books for many different topics from many different languages, such as Chinese, English, and Spanish. Much like how I’ve learned and met people from a variety of backgrounds, these books represent many perspectives from people of all cultures.

Tony Zhou

In my days as a child
Before I understood many intricacies in life
I could see differences in race
Before understanding
I was different
I spoke different languages
Wore different clothes
Read different books
I wanted to be
Just like everyone else
Until I finally understood
The differences between everyone
Is from distinctive culture backgrounds
And that I
Just like everyone else
Was an American