Chat GPT Detectors: The Tool That Teachers Are Desperate For

Gavriie Singh, Tech Columnist

As technology advances, so do the means of detecting plagiarism., one of the most popular plagiarism detection websites used by teachers, has developed their own Chat GPT detection prototype that is set to be released soon. This will allow teachers to easily identify students who have copied from chat platforms or other online sources.

One problem with some AI plagiarism detectors on the web is they can be easily fooled if students change a few words or phrases. This is where Turnitin’s new tool will come in handy, giving teachers the power to catch plagiarizers who might have slipped through other detectors’ cracks.

But what happens to students whose previous work is now flagged by these new detectors? Should they receive failing grades for prior plagiarism? It’s a tricky question, but one that must be addressed as this technology becomes more prevalent in education. Perhaps schools could create a policy that takes into account when the original work was completed and what the consequences should be for past plagiarism.

Overall, this new tool by is sure to give teachers an added layer of protection against plagiarism and will help to ensure academic integrity. However, the question of how to handle past plagiarism detected by these new tools remains an important one to address.